‘Learning For Life’

 and awwWelcome to Class 3




Miss Harrison                    Miss Newton


The emphasis in Year One is to follow the Key Stage One Curriculum, which focuses on the development of the individual child and provides high quality learning opportunities for the children to learn through play. The children are able to explore, take risks, have fun, form friendships, think critically and form their own ideas.

As part of our theme Extreme Environments, the children will be exploring the world and the various climates within it. To enhance our learning, we will be researching how plants and animals survive in extreme climates and where in the world these environments are located.  Alongside our learning, we will be meeting the explorer James Ketchell who will be sharing with us his expereince of climbing Mount Everest and rowing across the Atlantic Ocean.


Meeting James Ketchell

Meeting James Ketchell

The explorer James Ketchell came into school to visit the children and tell them all about his adventures. The children were lucky enough to get a chance to sit in his tent and try his ration pack food.