‘Learning for Life.’


Statement of Intent and Implementation

Foundation Stage

Over Foundation Stage (FS), in art, the children will:

  • Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
  • Draw, paint, sculpt and use digital media

Foundation Stage Art Goals

By the end of FS, a child who is attaining typically will be able to:

  • Use a wide range of drawing materials to create pieces of art
  • Use a range of equipment to apply paint including brushes, roller, sponges as well as natural materials.
  • Mix primary colours to make secondary colours. Know that colours can be mixed using other resources.
  • Create collages using a range of materials that are cut, torn or glued.
  • Create sculptures using a range of materials by rolling, cutting, moulding, carving and bending
  • Take rubbings and print with a variety of objects.
  • Create repeating, symmetrical and irregular patterns.
  • Create simple art through weaving.

By the end of KS1 a child attaining typically will be able to understand and use the following vocabulary:

dark – light – texture – pale – mould – printing – secondary – bright – shape – carve – primary

KS1 Art Goals

Art concepts

Art progression maps

Key Stage One

Over Key Stage (KS1), in art, the children will:

  • Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
  • Draw, paint, sculpt and use digital media
  • Improve their artwork following feedback
  • Learn about the work of a wide range of artists, craft makers and designers.

By the end of KS1, a child who is attaining typically will be able to:

  • Use a variety of drawing tools to explore texture, shadow, light and dark.
  • Use sketch books to records patterns and use thick and thin brushes.
  • Mix primary colours to make secondary (Y1) and tertiary colours (Y2) and be able to change the tone of a colour by adding black and white.
  • Create collages using a range of materials that are cut, torn or glued.
  • Create sculptures using a range of natural and manmade materials by rolling, cutting, moulding, carving, bending and manipulating.
  • Print using objects by pressing, rolling or stamping mimicking print from the natural environment.
  • Use textiles to weave and be able to use a simple running stitch.

By the end of KS1 a child attaining typically will be able to understand and use the following vocabulary:

line – form – tone – background – midground – sculputure – texture – warp and weft – secondary  foreground – primary – tertiary
