‘Learning for Life.’

Inclusion – SEND

Stocksbridge Nursery Infant School has an excellent reputation for how well it provides for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The school holds the Inclusion Quality Mark. This is a national award which recognises the work schools do to meet the wide ranging needs of all the pupils it serves.

SEND in school is led by Mr Barker and he is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). In his role as SENCO Mr Barker
– observes children to support teachers,
– meets regularly with parents,
– liaises with other professionals and co-ordinates their visits.
– works with our neighbouring pre-school providers and Stocksbridge Junior School to ensure smooth transition for children with SEN and/or disability needs,
– liaises with Mrs Sarah Briggs who is the school’s link governor for SEND,
– organises additional provision for children in school term following meetings with all staff. He also manages support staff in school too.
There have been many changes in SEND over the last 2 – 3 years with the introduction of a new Code of Practice from the Department for Education. There is a link below to the whole document.

To meet these needs and to work in a more consistent and coherent way, Sheffield too have been changing and developing their practice. The Sheffield Parent Carer Forum (SPCF) have produced a very helpful booklet which describes and explains the support systems which operate in the city.