Welcome to Nursery

The emphasis in Nursery is to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which focuses on the development of the individual child and provides high quality learning opportunities for the children to learn through play. The children are able to explore, take risks, have fun, form friendships, think critically and form their own ideas.

Useful Information

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Our Nursery Team are always happy to help you.


Teacher: Miss Rogers

Teaching Assistants:  Miss Shepherd, Mrs Evans, Miss Price & Mrs Brown

Mrs Taylor also teaches in Nursery, usually on a Wednesday.

Nursery News

As you can see, Nursery is always bustling with activity, big smiles, lots of learning and bags of enthusiasm!

Through carefully chosen texts, structured play and learning we have discovered lots about Spring.  We spotted daffodils and crocuses growing on the school field and in The Meadow, we weeded and then planted up our Nursery garden and also gave it a good Spring clean, working hard to cut back the overgrown hedge and wheel it all up to the compost heap.  We spotted frogs in the pond laying frogspawn and borrowed a few tadpoles to look after indoors.  We hope they grow some legs soon!  We also watched our little caterpillars turn into chrysalises and then butterflies.  We were also delighted when The Easter Bunny hopped by with treats for us all.

During the first part of our Summer term we learnt about the farm.  We did a fantastic job of baking bread just like The Little Red Hen and our Nursery smelt delicious.  We learnt about where our food comes from and planted some fruit and vegetables of our own.  We are all hoping that soon we will be having juicy strawberries for snack and lettuce for lunch.    We sorted out all the animals that lived on the farm, counting them carefully and building them safe places to live.

…and this week we have put chicken eggs into the incubator and are counting down the 21 days we need to wait to see if they hatch.



Look what we have been up to …

‘Learning For Life’