Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

As part of our topic “Oh I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside,” the children have been learning about the history of the seaside. They have investigated what is still the same about the seaside and what is different. They have also explored how seaside...
‘Tinkering’ with bee-bots

‘Tinkering’ with bee-bots

Class 2 have enjoyed using the bee-bots to learn all about programming and debugging. They had challenges to complete by giving the bee-bot a set of instructions to land in the correct place. Class 2 have wrote commands, directed a bee-bot and worked as a team.
Bug hunting

Bug hunting

Class 2 have loved our bug hunt as part of their science learning. They searched for bugs and used ID charts to identify them. The children thought carefully about the habitats of insects and bugs. They certainly found a few creepy crawlies!
Nurturing Nature

Nurturing Nature

For our ‘Nurturing Nature’ topic this half term, Class 2 have enjoyed planting their own sunflower seeds and taking them home to nurture. We have learned new vocabulary such as germinate and seed dispersal. We are also investigating what seeds need to...